Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Upanishad - Central Theme

Isha Upanishad – Central Theme
Based on the notes of Sri Aurobindo

There are four streams of thought contained in the Isha Upanishad.

First Stream
There is Spirit which is one and stable. Then there is this Universe of movement and forms of movement. The Spirit is living inside and governing from inside this Universe of movement. (Verse 1, line 1)
The divine life of man in this universe is attained by enjoyment of all. This is done by renunciation of all through the killing of the desire. (Verse 1, line 2)
We have then the explanation for the justification of works and of physical life here. The soul is inherently free. It is unified with the God. Even in the midst of all the movement of activity, the soul is absolutely and completely free. The Ultimate Creator of All is manifested in this multiplicity of movement. (Verse 2)
If we make changes in this cosmic law, then we sink into the state of blind darkness after our death. (Verse 3)

Second Stream
In the second stream, the central thought of the first stream are stressed and further elaborated. Brahman consists of the One Unmoving Creator of All and the multiplicity of Movements. Of these two, the Unmoving, Unchanging Stable Creator of All is placed on higher order of importance. However, underlying this movement, is the unifying principle of Stable Creator. (Verse 4,5)
The goal of a human being in this Life is to realise this Brahman. He has to experience this Unity in the Multiplicity of Movement in his inner being. He has to identify himself with the Lord with all his world – taken together and not in isolation of one to the exclusion of another. This is possible only if he achieves complete freedom from grief and illusion. (Verse 6,7)

Third Stream
In the third stream, the subject of the justification of life and works which was mentioned in Verse 2 is further elaborated. This is given a further dimension by bringing in the element of divine fulfillment. The various aspects of the Creator’s self-manifestation in this Universe with all its Movements as well as the process of many Becomings from the One Being are explained. The inner law of all the existences actually originates from the one Creator out of his conception and intention. (Verse 8)
The diametric opposition of Knowledge and Ignorance, Vidya and Avidya, Becoming and Non-Becoming is then reconciled. They instead of creating discord and confusion, actually help in the progressive self-realisation of soul. This is explained as the progression from the state of the inevitability of death to the deathless immortal stage. (Verse 9-14)

Fourth Stream
In the fourth stream the symbols of Surya and Agni are used to represent the idea of many worlds of existence and their relation to the Supreme Truth and Deathless Stage (Verse 15,16). The activities of this life are explained (Verse 17). The state after death is then symbolically indicated (Verse 18).

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